In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5: 3
There’s something sacred about praying in the wee hours of the morning before the daylight breaks over the mountain and peeks through the window. The solitude, the honor and privilege to call upon the Most High, and giving the first part of the day to the one who makes it possible to access the throne of grace. What a blessing it is to meet with God in the quietness and stillness of the morning before the pressures of the day captivate my attention and drag me away.
I’ve always found the first hour of my day to be the most important time to pray. Distractions are less likely to jolt me from my prayer time. The phone is silent and I’m not consumed with work responsibilities. Praying later in the day feels hurried, and I find it difficult to stay focused.
Praying early in the morning gives me a chance to cover all my children and grandchildren in prayer before they head off to school or work. I get to ease into the day instead of rushing, and it gives me a chance to seek God’s strength for any challenges I’m facing.
Psalm 5: 3 has always been one of my favorite verses about prayer. I love the fact that God hears our voice when we pray. I also love the image of laying our requests before God. How freeing it is to partake of the humble act of just putting down our fears, anxiety, worries, and cares at the feet of Jesus!
And what does it mean to wait expectantly? We know God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want them answered and sometimes the answers may not come for a long time. I believe waiting expectantly is an act of trusting God for the outcome of what we bring to him in prayer. He will answer our prayers in his perfect timing. We don’t need to doubt but can patiently wait in anticipation of what he is going to do in our lives.
Do you meet with God in the early hours of the day? If not, it’s never too late to start. Whether it’s a few minutes or an hour isn’t important. Seeking God first in your day is the best way to get your day off to a great start.