Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 143: 8
Hello friends! I’m grateful to be able to share a small part of my day with you. Weather permitting, I spend every morning on the front porch having my quiet time. Opening God’s word is like mining for rare and beautiful treasures. No matter how many times I read the same scriptures, God reveals new things to me. It’s a precious time I never take for granted.
I’m savoring these final days of the summer season. I know a new season will soon be upon us, the hummingbirds will be migrating south, and days on the front porch will be fewer. I’m so thankful for each morning on the porch surrounded by the beauty of nature. It’s not uncommon for a squirrel to jump up on the porch to see if I have any treats to share or for a mother doe to stop by with her fawns. Birds and butterflies flutter about, and I never get enough of the sweet scent of lavender wafting through the air from my nearby flower beds. There’s truly no other place I would rather be.
Blessings to each of you who stop by to visit my blog. Thanks for the encouraging notes and messages you send. You bless me more than you will ever know! I’m grateful to share my journey of faith and life with you all. I pray every morning will bring you word of his unfailing love.