I know every bird the the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine.
Psalm 50: 11 (NIV)
Living in the mountain is a delicious blessing. As I watch the colorful birds outside, I’m reminded that God knows every bird in the mountains. What an awesome thought! Knowing my Heavenly Father is aware of every tiny mountain bird makes me feel his divine presence even more.
As you worship today, may the one who knows every bird in the mountains fill you with his divine presence as you lavish him with praise, and honor, and glory. Have a blessed Sunday!

Beautiful Joni! I have missed having the time to sit and read and ponder your words of encouragement! They are always so encouraging and just what I need to hear. Thank you so much for sharing so freely and giving like you do to encourage our hearts, even when you aren’t getting anything in return. You truly have a heart for Jesus and it shines through in all your posts!
Sue, As always, your encouraging words lift me up when I need it the most. Thank you! I often think of you and wonder how you and your family are doing. Life sure stays busy, doesn’t it? I long to have more time for my personal writing, but writing for a living has to take center stage at this season of life. I’m planning to semi-retire in January of 2020, Lord willing, and I pray I can get the books I’m working on finished at that point. I’m currently working on a devotional book as well as Callie’s Roses. I get behind with my blogging at times. I log on and realize it’s been a month or more since I posted, and I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’m always jotting down things God reveals to me during my quiet time and throughout the day to share on future blog posts. Stay tuned… May God bless you and your family. Thanks for stopping in to say hello.