Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Last week was one of those weeks where life seemed to be spinning out of control with one thing or another from early morning until late at night. Computer malfunctions, crazy work issues, and an unexpected health diagnosis, which will likely require surgery in the near future. Add to that the usual daily distractions of living in a world full of modern technology with the phone ringing, text messages buzzing, and email notification alerts dinging, and you have the perfect description of a chaotic life and the weariness it brings.
After a restless night, I sat down at my desk early one morning and glanced over my planner for the day ready to start the madness all over again with a full to-do list to begin checking off. It was then that it hit me. Life had been so busy and crazy that even my time spent praying and reading the Bible had become little more than an item I checked off my to-do list each day. I had been so distracted by all these other things that I was rushing through my prayer time and scripture reading time. No wonder I felt burdened!
As I looked at my schedule for the day, I decided to cross out everything on my list for the morning and write in teatime with Jesus. It was freeing to clear my morning schedule with the stroke of a pen! Working from home and setting my own hours does have its benefits, and I am grateful I can take a break when needed.
As I began to sip my tea and started to read my Bible, I felt at peace and the stress began to ease. There is nothing like God’s word to bring refreshment and relief from whatever is ailing me. In fact, I often call the Bible my natural prescription for depression and anxiety. However, too often I make a cup of tea and it gets cold before I finish it. Too often I pray and read God’s word in a rush so I can jump into my workday.
Sometimes we just need to sit still and allow God to fill us with his presence. We need to silence the phone and other technology and saturate our minds with God’s truth and love. His word tells us to go to him when we are weary and carry heavy burdens and he will give us rest.
Are you feeling weary and burdened? Jesus is inviting you to bring your cares to him.