Happy Valentines Day

Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commandments. (Deuteronomy 7: 9)

Today is Valentine’s Day.  Many women will wake up in anticipation of flowers, chocolates, lovely cards, jewelry, and romantic dinners out with their husbands or boyfriends. Tonight, some women will go to sleep feeling disappointed because their expectations weren’t met.

From the time we are little girls until we grow old, we long to be loved and cared about.  We dream of finding our prince charming. We crave romance. Sadly, some women will spend their entire lives looking for the perfect man and the fairy tale romance.

Those who are married to men who are not the romantic types may even end up seeking a divorce in search of a more romantic guy. The lives of children will be uprooted and homes destroyed, all because the expectation of having a perfect and romantic husband led to feelings of discontentment.

The search for love can also lead women into addictions that destroy their lives. In 1980, there was a popular country music song, recorded by Johnny Lee, titled Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places. This could be the theme song of many women today.

True love that satisfies our thirsty and longing souls will never be found in food, alcohol, drugs, pornography, excessive spending, or extramarital affairs. In fact, these things will only leave us empty and longing for more. Eventually, they will ruin our lives and leave us filled with guilt and shame.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be loved. It’s a normal human desire. God created love. In fact, the Bible states that God is love. God created us to have a love relationship with him. While we are distracted trying to find love in all the wrong places, God is waiting for us to come to him.

God also created romance and marriage. They are beautiful things when enjoyed as he intended. However, perfect relationships do not exist. People have faults. People are not capable of loving us to the extent that God loves us.

If you are looking for real love and romance, God will never let you down. God’s love is perfect and pure. He never breaks his promises. He won’t abandon you. He loves you unconditionally. He desires intimacy with you.

Every minute we spend getting to know him better is never wasted time for we will spend eternity with him. He is never too busy or distracted to listen to our prayers. He understands our hurt, pain, and suffering.

On this Valentines Day, my prayer is that we will seek the true and loving God, whether we are in a loving human relationship or not.  God is the creator of love and romance. In a world filled with broken relationships and divorce, his love is the one thing we can count on forever.

| Filed under Biblical Womanhood

2 thoughts on “Happy Valentines Day

  1. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Ever since Christ became my Valentine I am happier than a…. pianist on a piano, every single 2/14.


    Joni, you have such a passionate and awakened soul. We who read your thoughts are truly blessed by your ability to write those passion(s) in such a deep, fluidic, and poetic way. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your beautiful thoughts, and photos! You’ve also got such a great eye!

    God bless,

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