The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden as its gardener, to tend and care for it.
Genesis 2: 15
As I walked through the woods the other day, I was intrigued by the various wildflowers springing up. Miniature blue flowers carpeted the floor of the woods in mounds. Spindly, delicate yellow flowers swayed in the sultry summer breeze. Bold dandelions commanded attention while small white flowers, barely noticeable to my aging eyes, mingled with the dandelions. These beautiful flowers, which some would consider weeds, burst forth faithfully year after year.
To look at nature, you would never know we are experiencing a worldwide health crisis. Flowers open with the appearance of the morning sun and close their blooms when evening sets in. Thunderstorms rush across the mountain, drenching the earth with water. The parched ground drinks in the water renewing the face of the earth with fresh vegetation. Seasons come and go, and nature continues to do what God created it to do.
With all the uncertainty surrounding us in the world, it can be difficult to know what to do next. Life has changed for many of us, and it’s easy to get discouraged and not pursue our goals or use our talents. However, just as nature continues to do what God created it to do, we must also continue to fulfill the purpose for which God placed us on this earth, even in the midst of a pandemic.
Let nature be your guide and continue to faithfully do what God has created you to do. God’s timing is perfect. We are not here during this strange season by mistake. God chose us to be here during this worldwide crisis to do his work.
Our God-given work may look a little different in this season. You may need to be your child’s teacher in this season. You may need to grocery shop for an elderly person with health issues, so they can remain safe in their home. You may need to volunteer to help clean your local church building to make it a safer environment for worship. Maybe you need to make some phone calls or write notes of encouragement to others who are isolated at home.
Pray and ask God what he wants you to do for his glory in this uncertain season of life. Just as God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to tend it, he placed us here to tend to his divine work during this pandemic. This is our garden. We can either feel discouraged and long for our old normal way of life, or we can accept where God placed us and tend our garden with utmost care.
Longing for our old way of life is a natural human tendency that often leads to frustration and feeling miserable. Accepting where our Heavenly Father placed us, in his perfect timing, will give us peace and joy as we accomplish his plans for us in this season.