Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Mark 1: 35
I often find myself longing for more solitude and time to focus on spiritual things. That may sound crazy since I live alone, but even when you live alone the distractions of the present culture are many. Before the advancement of technology, it was much easier to find solitude in my day. In fact, before I ever owned a computer, I managed to have a consistent prayer and devotional time with four kids and a husband underfoot.
Computers, tablets, and smart phones are a vital part of life for most of us, but at times I feel they are as much of a curse as a blessing. I often wonder if the rise in mental illness and suicide rates are the result of the immense stress placed on us by our modern way of life. It seems as if nobody takes a break any more. We have forgotten the importance of solitude. We have forgotten how to rest and recharge our bodies and minds.
Cell phones make it possible for people to reach us no matter where we go. With each ringing notification, we reach for our phones without even thinking that we don’t have be available to everyone 24 hours a day. It’s okay to turn off the phone and take some time to rest and experience the blessing of quietness.
Even Jesus withdrew to quiet places to pray. We need to follow his example and withdrawal to a quiet place regularly to pray and seek God. How can we ever hear the voice of God speaking to us if we don’t learn how to be still before him?
The enemy of our souls does not want us to be quiet. I believe Satan uses the distraction of modern technology to keep people from praying, reading scripture, or spending time with their families. Living in a state of constant distraction is like a weapon of mass destruction against Christians today. We need to start controlling technology instead of allowing it to control us.
It’s in the quiet moments when we sit still before God that we find our greatest strength. It won’t be found in the constant distractions from text messages, emails, and phone notifications.
Quietness is a blessing and is necessary for spiritual, emotional, and physical renewal. What do you need to do today to set aside some time to withdrawal to quiet place?